Earlier this week I was on a throwback roll on Instagram and I bumped into so many fun pictures from the early blogging days, that I just HAD to show a few more. On today’s menu: some of my best Autumn looks from the past 10 (!) years.
Yup, 10 years! This year in November I’m celebrating 10 years of blogging, which means 10 years of POLIENNE. Crazy, right? This felt like the perfect occasion to go back in time and take a look of some of my oldest outfits. Some are pretty funny, but some are definitely still wearable these days — with some small changes and updates, that is. So that means: a BUNCH of Autumn outfit inspiration coming up! Let’s get started right away!
My very first year of blogging here at POLIENNE! I started out in November of 2009 however, so I could only find a handful of outfits of this particular year. Here’s a memorable one that I thought was super cool back then!
I selected these more minimalist looks as some of my best ones of the Autumn of 2010! The other ones were quite eclectic; during this year I was a huge fan of vintage shopping and well, let’s say that not every experiment was a great success
This was quite the eclectic year too! I started going to university here and I remember a certain desire to look unique and different from my peers. I also remember this year as the one in which I ‘rediscovered’ pants after wearing skirts and dresses for years. Oh, and in 2011 I apparently had only 1 pose for pictures!
In 2012 my outfits felt a lot more grown up, I think. There was still a fun factor going on in each look, but this particular Autumn was all about neutrals, combining textures and keeping it strong and simple. I also had a thing for matching colours.
This season was the one of the super accessible looks! Most of my readers were students just like me, and that meant wearing comfortable outfits that everyone of us could afford. Lots of simple denim, knits and big scarves. I did invest in my Balenciaga bag in 2013, and I wore it aaaaaall the time!
This was a really great outfit year, if I may say so myself! I wore some great high-quality basics and my looks turned a lot more edgy and powerful. I’d wear most of these looks again in 2019. My photography also became significantly better during this period!
This was a more difficult year on a personal level, and this all-over-the-place feeling translated in my looks too. I wore either super basic outfits or either opted for weird, eye-catching pieces that I’d probably never choose nowadays.
Another weird year, in which my very long relationship ended, I felt miserable and lost lots of weight, unexpectedly fell in love again and ended up being happier than ever. And again, lots of different styles and outfits during this year! My journey did translate in some creative, lovely looks.
When I felt more calm, I wore a lot more simple, straightforward looks with denim, blazers and knits. So 2017 was all about strong silhouettes and a certain movement towards a more glamourous look as well. I definitely started wearing a lot more heels from this year on!
And finally, last year! Here I can see more fashion looks, which is probably the result of the shift from blogging to Instagram and a certain ‘need’ to make my outifts more visibly interesting to pop out between the other millions of users. This means more colour, print mixing, bold shapes and pictures that attract attention in general.
Et voilà, that’s it! It feels like my style hasn’t changed THAT much from the early days; it just got updated and modernized! However, I did pick my favourite looks from the past 10 years, so there are still many outfits that I would never ever ever wear again