Checking in Aarhus

Actually checking out again in a few hours, but hey! As I’ve told you in this previous post, I paid a super short visit to Aarhus yesterday and today to see VILA‘s new SS18 collection. It’s my second time in Aarhus this year and it was fantastic to be back! To make a quick comparison: it was beautiful in Summer, but it totally stole my heart during the Christmas shopping. Of course its great shopping reputation does help…

Here’s an outfit from my previous trip to Aarhus that I forgot to share! These checked trousers are available right now, so it’s the perfect time to still show you guys this look. I wore them with a wide sleeve white knit and simple Converse sneakers. Find all details of the outfit below!

ZARA knit (old), VILA trousers (now available!), TOPSHOP bag (similar), CONVERSE sneakers, CELINE sunglasses

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Photos by Daan Schepers

