Flash trip to Stockholm

As an avid adorer of Monki, Christmas lights and trips to IKEA you’d expect me to travel to Sweden at least once a year to give in to these wonderful guilty pleasures. But alas, my bank account doesn’t allow such splurges on a regular base! I’ve only been to Stockholm once, together with my parents, and although the city immediately enchanted me, it took me about 4 years to finally return.

Earlier this week Weekday invited me to Stockholm to discover their latest fashion/awareness campaign together with Nordic insurance company If. The actual presentation of this collection of reflective accessories like caps and fannypacks must be the most unusual I’ve ever attended. The international press gathered at attraction park Grona Lund and was guided through the haunted house. THE HAUNTED HOUSE. You should know that even Scary Movie frightens the hell out of me. With trembling hands and legs similar to spaghetti al dente, Monica and I took the challenge and wandered through the house, discovering creepy models wearing reflective items in psychiatry and zombie-like settings. That’s one way to have people remember your collection, eh? Let’s just say we survived!





This is what I wore upon arrival in Stockholm. I guided Monica through the city’s old town, Gamla Stan, and we obviously went shopping afterwards. Check out my pretty epic sheep coat here, and have a GREAT week!






SAMSOE & SAMSOE c/o long coat, ACNE STUDIOS knit, MANGO track pants, MONKI beanie, COACH bag, ADIDAS sneakers

Photos by Monica Ho