This greasy-haired, tired-faced and utterly busy Sméagol barely survived the weekend, as the time unfortunately has come to, on top of every other day of the week, sacrifice my Saturdays as well to work for university. Oh, hello bachelor paper! I’m still doing all of my research but some of my classmates have already started writing, which scares the fuck out of me. Let’s say I’m keeping up on my own pace and will hopefully have some magic moments of inspiration when I start putting things down in words. How wonderful life iiiiissss…. Sorry for that Elton John-thingie there.
In any case, my usual boring Saturday activities involving taking care of a household and cleaning and stuff (ew) are being transferred to Sunday, which leaves me zero days off! I’m counting down to July, guys… If only I were a morning person (my cup kinda gave it away) I would get a hella lot more done in a day. Luckily I can always find short moments in between classes or meetings to zone out a bit and enjoy the early spring weather with a cup of coffee.
Featured in todays in-between-outfit: my gorgeous Muse tee (YAY! Don’t judge) by Sincerely Jules that I purchased a while ago, a pretty awesome fluffy cardigan by & Other Stories that I picked up during the store opening in Ghent two weeks ago and the cutest hobo bag by H&M that I will probably carry around all summer. You like?